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Everything you wanted to know about starting an AI / Machine Learning project.

  • Date:16/06/2020 09:00 - 16/06/2020 17:30
  • Location Online Event


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Why AI ?

1. Where can we make better decisions?

One of the fundamental opportunities for AI or AI-augmented solutions lies in any process or area where your organization can improve its decision-making. In particular, where would your organization benefit from moving to a more data-driven model for making business decisions rather than relying entirely on human instinct and input?

The goal should be to ask: Can better decisions be made? When a company has people with authority willing to make changes and revisit assumptions using data-driven AI models, then there is an opportunity for a successful AI project.

2. Where are we most inefficient?

The best first step for uncovering AI opportunities is to look for areas where things aren’t running optimally today. Identify which of your processes have measurable inefficiencies. A mostly universal example would be to look for critical processes or tasks in your business that rely heavily (or entirely) on manual data entry.

3. Where do we have a lot of relevant data?

AI depends upon the information you feed it. While that could ultimately come from all manner of sources, the early phases of identifying promising AI opportunities will likely be better served by considering areas in which you have robust, reliable, and accessible data. Data is step process for uncovering good AI opportunities.

• Determine which processes you have the most information on, prioritizing those where you have the most relevant information about the elements and relationships involved. That “relevant information” is of fundamental importance. Without it, you might be pursuing problems rather than results.

• Make sure you have access to data - Labelled data that captures the desired outcome is the single most important ingredient for success. Ideally, this data is present inside your enterprise because that type of data is much more digestible than trying to scrape data from across the Internet.


How do I start with IBM Montpellier ?

We have developed the following agenda to simplify your AI journey with IBM. The agenda is 20% training and 80 % Hands On. Our aim is to provide you with the necessary skills to present AI to your clients / prospects.

NB: We can also adapt the agenda as per your specific requirements

09:00  -  09:15 Introduction & objectives    

09:15 - 10:15Presentation : Introduction to AI Solutions : From Big Data to AI (High Performance Analytics) & What is Machine Learning / Deep Learning, Watson Machine Learning community edition.

10:15 - 11:15Presentation : IBM AI Solutions: Positioning Watson and PowerAI.

11:15 - 12:15Hands-On : Build your first AI Model : scoring your client.

12:15 - 13:30Lunch
13:30 - 16:00
Hands-On : Data Science in a box with Watson Studio (Auto AI)

Hands-On : Build your first Chatbot with Watson Assistant

16:00 - 16:15Next Steps & Action Plan